Behind the Camera

Meet Kayla-

I’m a wife, family girl, believer in Christ, and a momma to 3 beautiful babies. I have three year old twins: Emmy & Eli and a one year old son, Isaiah. Growing up & still to this day my sister and I take turns having a “daddy - daughter date”. One day my father gave me my first camera. Several times we would load up our equipment and drive out into the country to take photos of horses & beautiful farm land. On the way home, we would compare pictures and talk about camera settings while sipping on our milkshakes.  

One of my favorite photos I took there, wasn’t one of a horse, but of my father. I can still picture the day! It was a sunny day and he was leaned up against the fence, snapping pictures, talking to the horses, and just so happy. I didn’t realize it then but now I have realized those are the memories that I always want to remember. Fast forward, now as a momma of 3, I quickly learned how fast the years go by. When I walked down the isle to marry my sweet husband, even in my vows I promised to make every day an adventure and capture it with a dozen pictures. I love capturing life’s most precious, rewarding, exciting moments. The moments go by so fast but the photos last forever. So my promise to YOU is to help you live in the moments while I capture it with a dozen pictures!